pay per click, google marketing, google adwords

What are Google Ads?

What are Google Ads?
Google Ads is an advertising platform by Google, to reach potential customers in less time with customized ads. You can advertise your products on various networks like search, display, video, and app networks.

what are google ads

Google As is a widely used paid marketing platform that assures you to give quick results for your campaigns. It gives you the flexibility to place your ads at your desired platform and on the desired network. In fact, you can even target in as detail as by targeting a specific youtube channel or website, or app.

Why Google Ads is beneficial for your business?
Is Google Ads for Me Too?
Google Adwords, as explained earlier, gives you wide flexibility to choose your placement channel or network. Hence, if you are constrained by your budget, still you can target placement where you think your potential audience is. Know how Google Adwords works in a unique way to place the ads as per eligibility.

Quick Results through Google Adwords.
Quick results can be expected with google Adwords
The best thing about Google Adwords is you can create your promotion/advertisement in a day. Apart from creating advertisements, you can also expect desired results with properly executed campaigns.

A/B Testing
You can create any number of ads for your product/service and test them which are performing better. With higher results and more clicks, you can decide clearly which ad will give you better results.

Choose and Pay for your Business keywords only.
Google Adwords allows you to choose your business keywords (keywords on which your ads Pop up if someone search). So, you will be paying for those keywords only for which your ad is getting clicks. So, it becomes a highly targeted campaign to reach out the potential customers who are actively searching for your business/service.

Pay only for Results
You know what, Google will charge you only for results. If you are not getting results, Google will not charge you anything. So, you can place your ad on the search network, display network, app network, etc, and will be charged only when someone clicks on it.

Pay for Result in PPC
Similarly, if you are selling products online, you will be paying only when you get a sale. It means you will be charged by Google, once someone purchases your product only.

Choose Your Budget
Budget can be choosen in Google Adwords
The best thing about Google Adwords is that you are free to choose your budget. There is no compulsion from Google to choose the budget according to it. You can start running your campaign in as little as 100 rs. Similarly, there are various bidding strategies that help you to optimize your budget and give you the best result in your budget.

Tracking Audience
You can track each and every penny spent on your campaign on the Google AdWords dashboard. Here you will get some details like the average CPC you are getting, no clicks, no of impressions, conversions, etc.

Retarget your Audience through Google Adwords
Retargeting helps in increasing conversion rates by showing our rate to the same audience who interacted with our ads before. The cost of retargeting is also very less compared to the ad when it targets fresh users.

Google Adwords, allows to track and retarget the audience again and again even after two months of business interaction. You can retarget for a maximum of 540 days to the audience who interacted with your ad.

To Retarget you need to place the retargeting code on your website. After that Google will start tracking the audience for every paid advertisement. The audience created in retargeting can be targeted on other platforms too. For example, if you are creating an audience from the search network, you can also target this audience on display networks. That is the double benefit of retargeting.

Cost Capping
Google Adwords gives you the option to place caps on the cost you do not want to cross. It means if you are advertising with a tight budget and you are very clear for every single click and conversion, you can go with cost capping. If the competition is high, and you are worried about the extra cost, you can put cost capping on your budget.

Scheduling of Ads:
You can choose the time when your ad runs and when not runs. Suppose you are running ads from the past 3 days and in Ad schedule options and accordingly pause your ad in hours when you did not receive any clicks. Similarly, you can increase the budget of your campaign at peak times so that you get maximum results.

Device Targeting:
Yes, you can choose the device where you want your ads run, whether it is mobile, laptop, or tablet. You can even target in a deeper manner by selecting the version of the mobile software and Carrier network. Suppose your ads received maximum conversions from android smartphones and not from desktop, tables, and iPhones. So, you can increase your ad’s budget for android phones only, so that other device users can’t see your ads.

Location Targeting:
With Google Adwords, you can target locations on the basis of Country, State, Region, City, as well as Pin Codes. It means within an area, if you want to target a specific audience, you can do with location targeting. For Example, You are selling a premium product and your targeted audience is living in a specific area. Instead of choosing the complete region, that particular can be choosen easily. This helps you in saving costs in showing your ads to other uninterested audiences.

Google Adwords gives you the tool with the name “Search Volume and Forecast”, under the keyword planner. It helps you to get a rough idea about your search terms and clicks they are eligible to get. This means you can plan your strategy and can expect to get results as per the forecast. It is very helpful for generating proposals for clients as well as for the beginner.

These were some of the benefits of using Google Adwords. Hope now it is clear to how this tool can help you promote your business effectively. That bring us to the end of this post. In next Post we will discuss about the working of Google Adwords. Let us know if you still have some doubts in comment section.

Thank You.

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